Dino GPU

Dino GPU is the GPU version of Dino, which I use to experiment with interactive rendering. This project evolved from my very first path tracer. It is written in C++, and uses OptiX 7 for ray tracing, CUDA for miscellaneous GPU processing, and OpenGL for the interactive viewer.


Beer's law attenuation through a transparent object. Dragon model courtesy of Stanford Computer Graphics Laboratory.
Beer's law attenuation through a transparent object. Dragon model courtesy of Stanford Computer Graphics Laboratory.
Complex object with multiple materials, environment mapping. Duesen Bayern Mystar 190 SL model by TurboSquid user desmonster. Bethnal Green Entrance environment map courtesy of HDRI Haven.
Complex object with multiple materials, environment mapping. Duesen Bayern Mystar 190 SL model by TurboSquid user desmonster. Bethnal Green Entrance environment map courtesy of HDRI Haven.
Multiple objects, texture mapping, and depth of field. Modified version of Interior Set scene by TurboSquid user IvanMasanin.
Multiple objects, texture mapping, and depth of field. Modified version of Interior Set scene by TurboSquid user IvanMasanin.